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Sewage Kiosk

Sewage Kiosk

Payment System for Sewage

Web-based IT system for handling & settlement of sludge delivered to public treatment facilities.

The Sludge Kiosk from POUL TARP A/S is a complete hardware and software system for measuring and registering the amount of sludge that is delivered to a public treatment facility. The Sludge Kiosk makes it possible to register and invoice companies for the delivery of any kind of sludge arriving from trucks and other vehicles.

The Sludge Kiosk makes it possible upon arrival to choose between different types of sludge - such as dewatered or non-dewatered sludge e.g. Only pre-registered and approved companies can use the Sludge Kiosk for delivery of sludge, as each approved company must use an electronic key to operate the Sudge Kiosk before any delivery can begin. The Sludge Kiosk is fully integrated with any public treatment facility billing system.

The sludge kiosk offers the opportunity for:

  • Delivery of sludge around the clock
  • Registration of any type of sludge and measurement of quantity
  • Registration of the customer
  • Monitoring of operation via SMS/E-mail
  • Web-based administration system that provides full overview of customers and sludge deliveries at any given period

The Sludge kiosk system is developed, designed and produced by POUL TARP A/S in Denmark.

